All On 4 Full Mouth Implants - Smithfield, NC

Restore Your Smile At North Carolina’s Renowned Implant Center

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Restore Your Smile At North Carolina’s Renowned Implant Center

A life with missing or deformed teeth is a sad reality for millions of individuals in the United States. The long-term repercussions of missing teeth can have detrimental effects on one’s overall health, and can quickly damage self-esteem, confidence, and overall quality of life. Missing teeth and poor oral health also make crucial daily activities – such as biting, chewing, and brushing – a painful and uncomfortable burden.

Our renowned prosthodontists at Smile Solutions Dental Implant Center in Smithfield, NC, have decades' worth of experience and elite training

Fortunately, our renowned prosthodontists at Smile Solutions Dental Implant Center in Smithfield, NC, have decades’ worth of experience and elite training and repairing severely damaged smiles back to a state of perfection. Drs. Bill Scruggs and Anthony Gragg use cutting-edge materials and guided dental implant technology to provide patients with a stunning set of personalized restoration teeth using All-on-4® dental implants. And the best part? Patients can enjoy their brand-new smile in just a single office visit to our Smithfield, NC.

What Are All-on-4 Dental Implants?

In terms of smile restoration, All-on-4 dental implants offer a significantly improved fit and far superior functionality compared to traditional dentures. These types of full-mouth dental implants use four rigid titanium posts that are placed at a 45-degree angle toward the rear of the mouth. The All-on-4 technique doesn’t require sufficient jawbone density to secure the implants, as do other implant methods.

One of the key benefits of All-on-4 dental implants is that, unlike dentures, they never slip or shift in place over time. Implant restorations retain the strength and integrity of the jaw and surrounding soft tissue, and actually help to preserve and maintain crucial bone mass. This is in stark contrast to dentures, which commonly irritate the gums and lead to dangerous bone loss.

dental implant bridge model
implant supported denture
full arch dental implants
grandma watching grandkids after denture procedure

Full-Arch Dental Implant Benefits

A Modern, High-Tech Approach to Dental Implant Surgery

When it comes to complete smile rehabilitation, dentures may be the first solution to come to mind. While a tried-and-true option for restoring missing teeth, dentures are no longer the only option. Even though dentures are more cost-effective upfront, their disadvantages such as requiring suction and adhesives to stay in place and the promotion of jawbone recession, dentures can end up costing you more time and money in the long run. Since dentures aren’t secured in the jawbone, they can create sunken facial features and premature aging.

Restoring your smile with Smile Solutions Dental Implant Center just got a whole lot easier with our modern and permanent solution: dental implants. Dental implants can restore any number of teeth and are widely considered the “gold standard” in tooth restoration. Designed to preserve your jawbone quality and bone density, dental implants look, feel, and function just like natural teeth!

Full-arch dental implants not only restore your smile but also allow you to enjoy all your favorite foods without any dietary restrictions. While dental implants are more costly upfront due to surgery costs, our affordable payment options, and third-party financing companies make affording your new smile simple.

implant patient after surgery with new confidence

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Create a Stunning New Smile with Full-Mouth Dental Implants

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