Dental Implant Smile Solutions - Smithfield, NC

Rebuild Your Smile and Your Quality of Life

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dental implant patient after receiving new implants

Transform Your Smile with Dental Implants

Experiencing the loss of one or more teeth can impact your ability to bite, chew, and feel confident in social situations. It may also have consequences for your facial appearance, overall health, and comfort. However, there is good news: dental implants provide a highly effective solution and are considered the ultimate standard in tooth replacement.

With their exceptional durability, these implants can significantly enhance your oral health, restore dental function, and revitalize your smile for many years to come. Drs. Bill Scruggs and Anthony Gragg at Smile Solutions Dental Implant Centers in Smithfield, NC, specializes in dental implants, and are dedicated to helping you attain a new smile, renewed self-assurance, and an improved quality of life through this permanent dental solution.

Dental Implant and their Three Parts

Comprising a post, an abutment, and a restoration, dental implants closely replicate the functionality of natural teeth. As they are securely placed in the jawbone, full-mouth dental implants offer a versatile solution for replacing any number of missing teeth. Achieving successful and long-lasting results requires the expertise of our skilled team and the utilization of advanced surgical technology.

Drs. Scruggs and Gragg possess extensive experience in performing dental implant treatments for a diverse range of cases. At Smile Solutions Dental Implant Centers, we prioritize the use of top-of-the-line technologies and premium materials to ensure optimal outcomes. With our commitment to excellence , we can help you restore oral health, regain proper function, and rediscover your confidence through dental implants in Smithfield, NC.

Smile Restoration Options

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Single Tooth Implant

Drs. Scruggs and Gragg can assist in replacing a single missing tooth with a natural-looking dental crown that is tooth-colored and fixed onto a single dental implant. Even though it’s a single-tooth implant, it’s customized to blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, making it virtually impossible for anyone to detect that you were ever missing a tooth.

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Multiple Tooth Implant

Dental implants are highly customizable and can effectively address the replacement of one, several, or an entire set of missing teeth. Our multiple tooth implants are connected to a few strategically positioned implants, providing secure support for a fixed, permanent dental bridge. The dental bridge is tailored to match your facial structure and skin tone and meticulously crafted to match the size, shape, and color of your neighboring teeth for seamless integration into your smile.

implant supported dentures model

Implant Supported Dentures

Our implant-supported dentures offer patients the advantage of a stunning and functional smile that is anchored in the jawbone for a sturdy foundation. This means that, unlike traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures do not require adhesive to remain in place, providing greater stability and comfort. These dentures can be removed for proper cleaning and hygiene and help to prevent bone loss over time.

full arch implant model on counter

Full Mouth Dental Implants

Transform your smile with our comprehensive full-mouth dental implants, widely regarded as the “gold standard” in tooth replacement. Our full-mouth dental implants are designed to deliver a stunning new smile in just one visit, utilizing four or more posts implanted into the jawbone for optimal support. This creates a full-arch of dental implants that closely mimic the look, feel, and function of natural teeth, allowing you to smile with confidence once again!

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Avoid Making Costly Mistakes!

Dental implants are a lifetime investment in your health, function, and quality of life. Avoid the common mistakes people make when considering implants by following our recommendations.
drscruggs with team outside dental practice

We’ll build your treatment plan so we can make your smile exactly what you want, down to the very last detail.

How Our Cutting-Edge Dental Implant Process Works

Your full-mouth dental implant process is complex and intricate, which is why we put so much emphasis on your initial consultation. We’ll begin your smile journey with an in-depth conversation all about your smile and what you want to change. We’ll discuss your medical history, complete a thorough oral exam, and obtain digital diagnostics and X-rays. With this information, we’ll build your treatment plan so we can make your smile exactly what you want, down to the very last detail.

When it’s time for surgery, we’ll administer your choice of sedation and place four dental implants in your jawbone at a 45-degree angle using our All-on-4® implant protocol. Once your implants are placed, we’ll attach your temporary restoration so you can immediately relish in all the benefits your smile has to offer!

Over the next 4-6 months, your mouth will go through a process called osseointegration, where your dental implants fuse with your jawbone. Once your mouth has healed, we’ll schedule your final appointment where your final prosthesis is placed, leaving you to enjoy an entire life of a healthy smile that you can be proud of!

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A Lifetime of Brilliant Smiles Awaits.

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